Construction of quadrilateral

Introduction to Practical Geometry Number of measurements necessary for construction of a unique Quadrilateral To draw a unique quadrilateral we need at least five measurements of sides and angles. However, it is not necessary that we will get a unique quadrilateral if we have the measurements of any five combinations of sides and angles. For example, a unique quadrilateral can be drawn if we are given the measurement of four sides and one diagonal of a quadrilateral. However, a unique quadrilateral will not be drawn if we are given the measurement of two diagonals and three angles of a quadrilateral. Construction of a Quadrilateral It is very easy to construct a quadrilateral when its five measurements are determined that is The length of the four sides and the length of its diagonal is knownThe length of the three sides and the length of the two diagonals are knownIf the three angles and two adjacent sides are givenIf the three ...